In a universe as vast as that of ingredients, it is easy to get lost if you don't have any fixed points.
Each bag, each coloured bottle and each ingredient, regardless of its physical form, must be carefully measured to offer maximum potential.
The quantities we are confronted with are: grams and kilograms for solids, drops and millilitres for liquids.
In order to measure them correctly, every carp angler needs a scales accurate to the gram and capable of carrying up to 2 kilograms.
For liquids, on the other hand, a series of graduated measuring cups and pipettes are needed to calculate a few drops in the range of 300 mils.
Basically, the dosage instructions we receive have a minimum and a maximum.
The minimum dose is the amount below which the substance has no taste or attractive effects. Basically, below this value it is better not to use it.
The maximum dose is generally the threshold above which the substance begins to present problems.
These problems can be of various kinds: in the case of solid ingredients, it may represent the limit beyond which the tightness and mechanics of the mix are compromised,
In the case of liquids, it may represent a safety limit (valid only for very potent organic substances), or it always refers to problems of mechanical management of the construct.
Some attractive ingredients, indicate the threshold of maximum yield, thus creating a precise limit beyond which there is a risk of converting the chemical message into repulsive, perhaps due to the lack of naturalness of the stimulus.
In my book, the minimum levels are always indicated, while with regard to the maximum dosage, it is often specified that this depends solely on economic reasons or on the ability of the specific mix to be able to "contain" the particular element.
This applies, for example, to almost all liquid foods, which represent the attractiveness and taste component of all 'ready-to-fish' baits and therefore benefit from the large amounts of inclusion.
In the case of flavourings, dosages are sometimes given for tests carried out by the distribution company in local waters, thus ensuring a maximised yield for anglers in that area.
All liquid ingredients dosed in drops should be regarded as POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS and no overdoses should be created that exceed twice the maximum allowed.
Be careful not to fall into the misinterpretation of dosages referred to English products, which are generally referred to the number of eggs indicated to knead the pound of mix, which is a size corresponding to 450 grams.
As I have often stated in my book, I prefer to refer to the kilogram of mix which is a size that does not vary due to concomitant factors.
If, for example, I were to dose the synthetic flavouring on the number of eggs, I would be forced to limit the maximum amount of liquid food or other liquids to a maximum of 100 ml. in total, otherwise I would have to vary the number of eggs used, which would throw everything off.
I believe that the most advanced method of boilie construction is my crazymethod, for the simple reason that it starts with the design of liquid food and attraction to be inserted into the bait and adjusts the eggs accordingly.